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	Black Star Chords by Radiohead, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Artist: Radiohead
Song: Black Star
Album: The bends (1995)

Intro- D  Dsus4  Em7    Cadd9   G/B   A7sus4

       D  Dsus4  Em7    Cadd9   G/B   A7sus4    and repeat as needed

G                Csus2/9              G/B                Dadd4/F#

I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown well


what am I to do?

G                Csus2/9               G/B  Dadd4/F#      Emadd9

I know all the things around your head,     and what they do to you

Cadd9                               Bm         D   D7/9     D6/9

What are we coming to?  What are we gonna do?     Blame it on the

Am         G/B  Cadd9                   Am         G/B  Cadd9

Black Star              Blame it on the falling sky

                G      Cadd9   G      Gsus4 G  D5

Blame it on the satellite        That beams me home

the troubled words of a troubled mind i try to understand

what is eating you.

i try to stay awake but its 58 hrs since that i last slept with you.

what are we coming to?

i just don't know anymore.

i get on the train and i just stand about now that i don't think of you.

i keep falling over i keep passing out

when i see a face like you.

what am i coming to?

i'm gonna melt down.


D:xx0232          G/B:x20033       Dadd4/F#:2x0233     D7/9:xx0210

Dsus4:xx0233      A7sus4:x02033    Emadd9:024000       D6/9:xx0200

Em7:020033        G:320033         Bm:x24432           Gsus4:320013

Cadd9:x32033      Csus2/9:x30033   Am:x02210           D5:xx023x