imagen del día


	Radiohead  Paranoid Android

Arranged for Internet by: Mouse (leatherface 74)

Posted on August 29, 2003

Update: April 12, 2004: I added a correction on what ed plays during the
"what's that" section.Correction is at the bottom of the tab. 

Update: January 21, 2004: After hours of looking at live concert 
footage of the band and looking at what each person in the band 
is playing I will correct all the mistakes in this tab and make 
damn near as perfect as is possible. I will do this in a wierd 
way though. Rather than altering the presently posted tab (which
in my opinion sounds great) I will add the changes at the end 
of the transcription in an update section, I do this to give 
you a choice because some of the corrections are more difficult
to play. Most of the corrections involve the chords Thom plays
during  the "ambition make you pretty ugly" and "rain down" 
sections. The chords in this tab are the correct chords, 
Thom just plays them in a different position on the fretboard. 
Oh and if you have any comments or corrections please post them. 
And please vote for this tab if you can.

Performance Notes:

Ok lets begin with Guitar 1 which is Thom Yorke. This
part was played with a pick and it is quite complex looking 
because of the loose picking pattern. It is best not to try 
to hit every note exactly, just try to get the vibe of the 
song. Any part that guitar 1 repeats is played similarly on repeats.

Guitar 2 is Jonny Greenwood, his insane playing style is so 
distinctive it is impossible for it to be anyone else. 
For this part you're going to need a delay pedal, flanger, 
and a pitch shifter. Johnny plays some crazy harmonics like 
2.5 which is halfway between the second and third fret. I 
suggest you read the attached legend in order to decipher 
the method I used to arrange his bends and pre-bends.

One last note about guitar 3 (Ed O' Brien), if you do not 
own a guitar with 24 frets don't worry you can tune up 
your high e and b strings a whole step and just play the
part relative to your new tuning. Or if you have and 
octave effects pedal you can just set it to raise the 
pitch of the guitar one octave and play the part at the tenth fret.


(5)- Ghost Note: A note in parenthesis that is barely heard in a recording
or represents a note that is supposed to ring for longer than one measure. 
PM - Palm mute
NH - Natural Harmonic
B  - Bend (I've placed how much to bend over the measure; for example a      
     .25 is a quarter step bend, a .5 is a half step bend, a .75 is a 
      three fourths step bend, a 1 would be a whole step bend, 2.5 would   
      be a two and a half step bend, etc.
Pb - Pre-Bend: The note is bent to a pre-determined pitch before it is  

Pbr- Pre-Bend Release: The note is bent to a predetermined pitch before it 
is picked and is released to its original pitch. 

Brh- Bend Release Hammer-on: Bend note to a pitch then release it to its 
      Original pitch then either hammer-on or pull-off to a higher or 
      Lower fret.

/  - Slide: If I have to explain this one you shouldn't be playing this 

H  - Hammer-on     

Br - Bend-Release: Bend note to a pitch then release it to its original
~~ - Vibrato: Vibrating a string either by moving up and down with your
      fingers or by using a whammy bar.

Well Anyways here you go. Thanx for reading.

Paranoid Android

Words and Music by: Thomas Yorke, Jonathan Greenwood, Colin Greenwood,
Ed 'O Brien, and Philip Selway

Bpm: 84

 Gtr. 1 Acoustic 

[Gtr. 1                                                              
[Gtr. 2 Elec. w/ Flanger

[ GTR. 1                                                              
[ GTR. 2                     let ring-----------------------]

1st Verse

          Please could  you  stop     the    noise   I'm  tryin'   
[ GTR. 1 
[ GTR. 2  let 4 ring                                          

        to     get    some   rest
[ GTR. 1                                                              
[ GTR. 2

[ GTR. 1                                                       
[ GTR. 2

       From     all     the      unborn    chicken         voices
[                                                      .5    .5

        in      my        head


				  What's         that?
  Gtr.1 and Gtr.2 (Gtr. 2 doubles gtr. 1 loosely)
[ Gtr. 3 (w/Tremolo)

  Gtrs. 1 and 2
[ Gtr. 3

 Gtrs. 1 and 2                                                      
[ Gtr. 3

2ND Verse

			           When I         am   king
[ Gtr.2                                                     PM
[ Gtr.3

        you   will  be    first     against        the       wall
[ Gtr.2

[ Gtr.2
                                 With your  opinion
[ Gtr.1                                                        
[ Gtr.2


              which  is      of        no     consequence
[ Gtr.1
[ Gtr.2
                     at                all                    What's
[ Gtr.1                                                        
[ Gtr.2                               Gtrs.1 and 2 
[ Gtr.3

  Gtrs.1 and 2
[ Gtr.3

				   What's    that?
[ Gtrs.1 and 2
[ Gtr.3

[ Gtrs.1 and 2
[ Gtr.3

[ Gtr.1
[ Gtr.3


7/8 time

 Gtr.1                                                   Amb-

  -ition makes you look pretty ugly
[ Gtr.2 (w/Slap back delay, flanger
[        And slight distortion)      PM---------------------------+

  Kicking Squealing Gucci little piggy
[ Gtr.1
[Gtr.2 (w/Slap back delay, flanger
[        And slight distortion)      PM---------------------------+
[ Gtr.3




  You don't remember you don't remember Why don't you remember my name
[ Gtr.1
[ Gtr.2 (w/Distortion)
[ Gtr.4 (w/Distortion)

Off with his head man Off with his head man Why won't he remember my name I guess he 
[ Gtr.1
[ Gtr.2
[   .25 .5   .75           .5  .5    NH              NH
[ Gtr.4         

[ Gtr.2
[ Gtr.4

Guitar Solo
                              (Switch back to 4/4 time)
[ Gtr.2              (Tremolo pick up to 20th fret from the 4th)
[ Gtr.4

Tremolo pick 20th fret
[  Gtr.2                                    1.5
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[   1      1            1      1      1   
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[        1 
[                     This is one single 
[  Gtr.4              slide  

Switch back to 7/8 time

[ Gtr.2
[      .75    1              1              .75    1
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2                                (Switch back to 4/4 time)  
[      .75    1              1               1     1
[ Gtr.4								  PM+

[ Gtr.2
[ Gtr.4    w/slight feedback    


BPM: 63

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh                             Ahhhhhhh
 Gtr.1 (Acoustic)

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh        Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh          Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    Rain         down                  Rain   down  come on

   Rain         down     on        me

        From a great   height          from a great

   height                        height

Rain         down                  Rain   down  come on

   Rain         down     on        me    

        From a great   height          from a great

   height                        height  

   That's it sir    you're leaving  the crackle  of pigskin 

    The dust and the screaming   The yuppies networking ah

      The panic    The vomit         The panic   The vomit

     God loves his children         God loves His children


Speed up: 84 Bpm

[ Gtr.1 (Acoustic)
[ Gtr.2 (w/distortion and envelope filter effects)      NH
[ Gtr.4				Let the last note ring into the 
[				the next measure (The 5).

       . 25 .5       1   1   1  1.5 1.75
[ Bend the 5 from the last measure in the middle of this one           
[ Gtr.4	                    .75

[ Gtr.2                      NH
[ Gtr. 4

Outro Solo 
Switch back to 7/8 time

[ Gtr.2                           NH	          NH
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.1
[       1               .5
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[       1	     1   1   1    1          1    1   1     1   1  1
[ Gtr.4	                            (let last note ring into next 
[                                         measure)

[ Gtr.2
[(w/pitch shift effects until end of 
[  measure)         	 (turn off here)	     	
[    1      .5   2      2      1.5        1     1    1    1     1
[ Gtr.4
[(Bend note from last measure gradually
[ in rhythm shown by ghost notes)
[      .5          2         2.5

[ Gtr.2
[    1  1  1  1          1     1      1
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[                             1 
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[                             1                               1
[ Gtr.4

[ Gtr.2
[ Gtr.4


Here's the Correct chords right before the "Ambition makes you look pretty ugly" part.
The 6th string is fretted with the thumb to allow for the Hendrix-like chord
embellishments that Thom adds with his pinky. 

7/8 time

 Gtr.1                          4/4 time                 Amb-

Update, April 12, 2004:
During the live in Glastonbury show Ed plays the high pitched melody in the Chorus
("what's that") with a pitch shifter (I believe it is set one octave higher):



Keep in mind, however, that this bit might have been played differently on the record.
This correction is based on the Glastonbury concert footage.