29 de julio de 2016

Radiohead se hizo presente hoy en el festival Lollapalooza, edición Chicago, luego de dos exitosos shows en el Madison Square Garden de Nueva York.


  1. Burn the Witch
  2. Daydreaming
  3. Ful Stop
  4. 2+2=5
  5. Myxomatosis
  6. My Iron Lung
  7. Climbing up the Walls
  8. No Surprises
  9. Pyramid Song
  10. Bloom
  11. Identikit
  12. The Numbers
  13. The Gloaming
  14. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
  15. Everything in its Right Place
  16. Idioteque
  17. There There
  18. Let Down
  19. Present Tense
  20. Paranoid Android
  21. Nude
  22. Bodysnatchers
  23. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
  24. Karma Police

Radiohead Let Down Live Lollapalooza Music Festival Grant Park Chicago IL July 29 2016

Radiohead 2+2=5 Live Lollapalooza Music Festival July 29 2016


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