Después de dos semanas de descanso, Radiohead volvió hoy a los escenarios y cerró la primera fecha del festival Austin City Limits, en Texas. Este mismo escenario los recibirá en una semana para dar su último show de este año y celebrar el cumpleaños de Thom.
- Burn the Witch
- Daydreaming
- Ful Stop
- Airbag
- 2+2=5 [previo fragmento de «How Soon is Now?» de The Smiths, ver abajo]
- The National Anthem
- Bloom
- Lotus Flower
- The Gloaming
- Exit Music (for a film) [el sistema de sonido falló al final, ver clip abajo]
- The Numbers
- Identikit
- Reckoner
- Everything in its Right Place
- Idioteque
- Bodysnatchers
- Street Spirit (fade out)
—- - Give up the Ghost
- Paranoid Android
- Nude
- Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
- There There
- Karma Police
Al parecer, se registraron inconvenientes en el sonido del escenario Samsung.
Wait, did the sound just go out on #Radiohead or was that supposed to happen? #aclfest
— SarahThurmond (@SarahThurmond) October 1, 2016
RADIOHEAD at #ACLFest. We knew it was going to happen but we can't believe it's really happening. See pics:
— Austin 360 (@austin360) October 1, 2016
"Patient Perfectionism" live at #ACLFest @radiohead
— Harsha (@gjharsha) October 1, 2016
I am human and I need to be loved #Radiohead #NoFilter #ACLfest #Day1
— Dr. Fernando Mondragon (@DrMondragonS) October 1, 2016
Spiritually lifted from the greatest Radiohead set I've seen yet at @aclfestival last night. Until 2017…
— Brit ? (@itcanbewritten) October 1, 2016