20 de junio de 2017

Radiohead se presentó esta tarde en el 3Arena de la capital irlandesa para promocionar A Moon Shaped Pool, acompañados por Shye Ben Tzur y el Rajasthan Express.


  1. Daydreaming
  2. Desert Island Disk
  3. Ful Stop
  4. Airbag
  5. 15 Step
  6. The National Anthem
  7. My Iron Lung
  8. All I Need
  9. You and Whose Army?
  10. Let Down
  11. Bloom
  12. Identikit
  13. Idioteque
  14. The Gloaming
  15. The Numbers
  16. Bodysnatchers
  17. 2+2=5
  18. No Surprises
  19. I Promise
  20. Paranoid Android
  21. Present Tense
  22. Everything in its Right Place
  23. Lotus Flower
  24. Fake Plastic Trees
  25. How to Disappear Completely

Radiohead - I Promise - Live @ 3 Arena 6-20-17 in HD

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