26 de octubre de 2019

El Santa Barbara Bowl recibió anoche a Thom Yorke, Nigel Godrich y Tarik Barri, que continuan con la gira promocional de Anima por Estados Unidos.


  1. Interference
  2. A Brain in a Bottle
  3. Impossible Knots
  4. Black Swan
  5. Harrowdown Hill
  6. Pink Section / Nose Grows Some
  7. Last I Heard (…he was circling the drain)
  8. The Clock
  9. Runwayaway
  10. Has Ended
  11. Amok
  12. Not the News
  13. Truth Ray
  14. Traffic
  15. Twist
  16. Dawn Chorus
  17. Atoms for Peace
  18. Default
  19. Like Spinning Plates

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