23 de mayo de 2022

La gira de The Smile en promoción de A Light for Attracting Attention continúa; el trío se presentó esta noche en Cirkus de Estocolmo, en Suecia. Robert Stillman fue el encargado de abrir el show.


  1. Pana-vision
  2. The Smoke
  3. Speech Bubbles
  4. Thin Thing
  5. Open the Floodgates
  6. Free in the Knowledge
  7. A Hairdryer
  8. Waving a White Flag
  9. We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings
  10. Skrting on the Surface
  11. The Same
  12. The Opposite
  13. You Will Never Work in Television Again (junto a Robert Stillman)
  14. Bodies laughing
  15. Just Eyes and Mouth
  16. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
The Smile - Thin Thing (Live at Cirkus, Stockholm 2022)
the smile - bodies laughing (new song!) - live @ cirkus, stockholm
the smile - feeling pulled apart by horses - live @ cirkus, stockholm

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